Follow the steps below to remove Deep Freeze from your computer:
1. Thaw deepfreeze of your computer .
2. To remove Deep Freeze 6, double-click DF6Std.exe like to start the installer.
3. Then click the uninstall/finish button.
Follow the steps below to remove Deep Freeze from your computer:
1. Thaw deepfreeze of your computer .
2. To remove Deep Freeze 6, double-click DF6Std.exe like to start the installer.
3. Then click the uninstall/finish button.
Proxy Server is a server on the computer that serve the computer client to do indirect connection with the other webs. At the first, the function of the Proxy is a connection between local web and outer web or internet, or it is called gateway. Then, the fuction of server is developed, it becomes filtering that is the effort of protection or limitation so that with filtering, a proxy server can protect and limit the client access on the private webs. And the third fuction is to store the web pages, which are accessed frequently, called cache or caching, by storing those pages on the local server. On the other hand, the best Proxy Server can also filter the web contents that are being accessed. For example, we limit or shift the bad situs (unexpected situs) to other situs.
Berusaha, ibadah dan berdoa. Itulah kunci dalam menjalani hidup untuk meraih suatu keberhasilan. Usaha merupakan segala sesuatu yang kita usahakan dengan cara yang benar, sehingga keinginan atau cita-cita yang kita harapkan akan tercapai. Ibadah merupakan kewajiban kita sebagai manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Allah SWT. Sedang berdoa merupakan kesempurnaan dalam kita beribadah, dengan memohon kepada-NYA secara tulus dan ikhlas mengharap akan ridho-NYA. 3 hal tersebut, Insya Allah mampu membantu anda dalam meraih suatu keberhasilan.